EIGHT RULES OF LIFE (according to what I read somewhere)



Because to be perfectly honest, I can’t think of anything else to post that won’t take too much time at the moment…

A few weeks ago,

I was online when I saw on a website – I don’t remember which one,

A list of eight rules of life that was posted that caught my eye and attention and which I found to be solid;

Rules which I found myself thinking,

“I need to strive to follow these,”

Because as I read them, I felt that they would help me with my life in general.

Here they are…

  • (1st and foremost) PUT GOD FIRST
  • Let it go. Never ruin a good day by thinking about a bad yesterday
  • Ignore them. Don’t listen to other people. Life a life that’s empowering you.
  • Give it time. Time heals everything.
  • Don’t compare. The only person you should try to beat is the person you were yesterday.
  • Stay calm. It’s okay not to have everything figured out. Know that in time, you’ll get there.
  • It’s on you. Only you are in charge of your happiness.
  • Smile. Life is short (or can be), enjoy it while you can.

I must admit that I have at times had trouble with being successful at following some of these rules, particularly the third rule about ignoring negative people.

But as they say, I’m working on it.

I’m posting these rules of life so they can be on this blog and I can reference to them, because I feel they can be beneficial to me.

I honestly can’t think of anything else to say about that, except that hopefully and prayerfully my life can be better if I have these eight rules posted so I won’t forget them.

By the way: I have another birthday coming up in a little over two weeks from this writing. I’ll be sure to have a piece regarding such and my feelings of my ever-progressing age then…


  1. Derek, make the best out of each and every day with those eight rules and things will be a lot easier for you in life.

    We all have one life to live and best to enjoy while living currently in this Information Age.

    Anyways, awesome article and I encourage you to continue writing after leaving your teaching career years ago.


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