Image courtesy of citywatchla.com



As America’s 246th birthday approaches with the picnics, parades and fireworks that mark the fourth day of July,

It is safe to say that outside of the Civil War,

If there’s ever been a time in this history of these United States of America where the different political, cultural and ideological philosophies of the population have had such animosity for one another,

I would like to know what that time was.

Actually, when I think about it all, as someone with a bachelor’s degree in history who studied American (and African-American) history in particular, I’m convinced that it’s safe to make this statement…

The name United States should have a “so-called” in the front of such, because there has NEVER REALLY been a UNITED states.

Here’s some proof to what has been just said:

  • When the Constitution was first ratified in 1787, the Southern colonies – Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia – has to be dragged into ratifying it kicking and screaming over the issue of slavery as in their opinion and hearts, there was no way they would form a country with their Northern counterparts if they weren’t going to keep their slaves. Which led to developments like the compromises in 1820 and 1850
  • The fact that slavery gradually became common all over the American colonies in the years after 1619, complete with the Slave Trade and all the slave codes and laws that made Blacks less than human in most white people’s eyes, is certainly a prime example of division – as was the Jim Crow segregation laws that followed the Civil War starting in 1865 and persisted for the next hundred years
  • I don’t think I have to state the extremely pronounced division in this country not only between the years 1861 and 1865, which manifested itself into extreme violent bloodshed and cost 600,000 lives, but also in the twenty some-odd years preceding it.

That’s just a small list of examples focusing on the 19th and 20th centuries.

TALK ABOUT BAD LOSERS: Insurrectionists attempting a political coup on Congress in the nation’s capitol building on January 6, 2021 after He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named’s Election Day loss. Photo courtesy of cnn.com

A good illustration of the pro-choice vs pro-life debate that’s become a virtual war. Photo courtesy of vox.com

CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA – AUGUST 12: White nationalists, neo-Nazis and members of the “alt-right” clash with counter-protesters as they enter Emancipation Park during the “Unite the Right” rally August 12, 2017 in Charlottesville, Virginia. After clashes with anti-fascist protesters and police the rally was declared an unlawful gathering and people were forced out of Emancipation Park, where a statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee is slated to be removed. (Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images) Photo courtesy of npr.org

Marching for a cause that I’m VERY down for. Photo courtesy of cnn.com

As for this century…

I don’t have to mention all the conflicts, confrontations, riots, and outright brawls – not to mention the attempted coup of the government in Washington, D.C. on January 6th of last year which was practically ordered by the former President-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named – that have abounded within the past several years.

Not to mention this latest extremely pronounced and angry confrontation between those who fervently support a woman’s right to choose what she can do with her body and those who even more fervently say that ending a pregnancy before nine months not only must never, ever happen under any circumstances, to do such must be seen as murder punishable by prison time;

Who five members of the Supreme Court recently sided with in their ruling which ended Roe vs Wade.

I feel that the seeds of this extreme conflict between liberals and conservatives in “red” and “blue” states were sown when Barack Obama was elected President in 2008;

Right-wing conservative whites in particular were so upset over this country being run by someone who they see as an “inferior” due to his skin color that they began to resolve to, to coin their famous phrase,

Make America Great Again”, which (at least in my view) means a return to laws, customs and policies reflecting values that regards anyone not,

  • White
  • Conservative
  • Male
  • Wealthy (or at least upper middle class)
  • Heterosexual


  • Christian (preferably Evangelical Protestant)

As a so-called “lesser” who has a place in their society and needs to “stay in that place” such as the Jim Crow laws that were common from the 1860s to the 1960s.

This determination to return this country to what it should be in their view really manifested itself and gained significant steam with the election of You-Know-Who in 2016;

His policies and actions galvanized the far right white Conservatives, the 2017 confrontations in Charlottesville, VA where a counter-protester was run over by a car and killed and the far right-laden Supreme Court ending Roe vs Wade sparking what I would call new Civil War battles with the protests and confrontations between the alt-right conservatives and liberals and the Pro-Choice and Pro-Life supporters being but two examples of such galvanization.

The election of Joe Biden, with Kamala Harris as his running mate and the first Vice-President who’s both a woman and of color, while it was a relief from the clutches of You-Know-Who,

Along with the polarization between those who are passionate about everyone getting vaccinated, boosted, and wearing masks when necessary in order to bring this COVID-19 pandemic to an end and those who don’t care one iota about such and, by never getting shots or wearing masks and congregating in large numbers without regards to anyone else, are prolonging this health crisis and getting people sick,

Hasn’t help these fifty states any as far as achieving even a tiny bit of unity.

It all comes down to a case of both sides – especially the far right conservatives who swear by Fox News and sees the former President-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as almost God – having no desire whatsoever to compromise and desperately want to mold America into their image by any means necessary.

Which is why more than ever, this is NOT the United States of America,

But the Divided States of America.

It has been that way for the past 400-plus years, dating back to before this country became a country.

And to be honest, I see these Divided States remaining a reality in at least the near future and, the way things are going,

Probably beyond that.


That’s where we, the over 300 million citizens of this country in the middle of North America,

Stand as Independence Day approaches.

The question now being,

“Can/will the people of this country ever come together and become an actual nation?”

My answer to that inquiry at this moment?

I honestly don’t know.

In then meantime,

Despite everything, I wish everyone a…


This image sums up this country’s situation as well as anything. Courtesy of setav.org

AN OPEN LETTER: To The Pro-Life Community Who Are Celebrating The End of Roe vs Wade

A demonstration representing both sides of the abortion issue in front of the Supreme Court. Photon courtesy of pdxretro.com



To all those who consider themselves “Pro-Life”, Christians and otherwise:

I reckon these are happy times for you,

What with six out of the nine Supreme Court justices ending a 49-year ruling that made abortion – or in your terms, murdering an unborn baby in the womb – legal in this country,

I’m sure you all have been celebrating for the past few days, and will continue to do such.

As for myself, I am not pro-abortion, and that’s all I have to say about that as I don’t believe it’s anyone’s business beyond that.

In fact, I don’t believe the vast majority of the “Pro-Choice” community that’s extremely upset and up in arms over these turn of events is for abortions either, but rather…

Well, you know.

However, that’s besides the point that I want to make.

For all of you who are rejoicing over the end of Roe vs Wade, I have something to say that, to say the least, is honest and probably something that you will find yourself getting upset and defensive over;

But I’m going to say it anyway, in the form or a question…

Do you truly consider yourself “Pro-Life”, or are you “PRO-BIRTH”?

Because being “Pro-Birth” means that you’re passionate and on fire for the baby when it’s in the uterus, but after it comes out of the uterus your attitude toward the mother is,

“You’re on your own!”

Meaning that you don’t or feel you can’t do anything to help the mother emotionally or especially financially or physically in the form of giving what she needs for the baby to have a decent life.

Yes, a lot of you will be stating how you give money to different organizations that help new mothers who otherwise would have likely had an abortion along with adopting such infant because for whatever reason the mother could not take care of it.

Someone who’s evidently happy about the recent Supreme Court decision. Photo courtesy of observervoice.com


Maybe I’m missing something, but I haven’t seen enough significant results for those babies that would have otherwise been aborted at the level that would make a difference.

Which is why if you are TRULY “Pro-Life”, you need to begin doing at least one or a combination of these things:

  • Use any means necessary to help, particularly financially, and give whatever you can to those mothers who, because of Roe vs Wade’s end, have a child who they cannot support
  • Take in any new mothers who need a home due to their not having one
  • Take them to any organizations that will help these new mothers with baby formula, clothes, money, housing, etc.
  • Write to your local congressman/senator/city councilperson and demand that funding for programs to help these new mothers be set aside and increased, with enough of such funding to last for at least the next ten years
  • If you do find yourself helping and supporting a new mother, be prepared to do such in some fashion for, at bare minimum, the next 18 to 21 years.
  • Adopt any babies that would otherwise have been aborted if the mother cannot take care of them or give them the life all babies deserve

Failure to do all or any number of these things will cause at least some people to see you as being “PRO-BIRTH” rather than “Pro-Life”, as contrary to what too many of you seem to believe,

Pro-Life means the WHOLE life, NOT just the nine months that the person is in the womb.

In my humble opinion,

Being “Pro-Birth” to me is just as bad as being “Pro-Choice” is to you,

Because that tells me that while you may fervently care about a fetus,

You don’t care enough about it and are likely without any true compassion for it once it stops being a fetus.

So as for the bottom line…

In advocating for an end to legal abortion in your area, you have certainly and loudly talked the talk.

Now you need to walk the walk.


Or else you are no better that how you see the “Pro-Abortion” crowd.


For all those who have been loudly condemning those who have gotten abortions to the opposite of Heaven and in my view have not shown any love to them,

Here are two very important quotes for you from my (and your) personal savior…

“He who is without sin among you, let him cast the first stone.” – John 8:7


A new commandment that I give to you, that you love one another: Just as I have loved you, you are to love one another.” – John 13:34

I don’t think any description is necessary here. Photo courtesy of change.org

The General State of Life (mine & otherwise) as June Begins


On the surface,

Even though things in the world aren’t as bad as they were in the past two years,

As we hit the midway point of 2022,

Well, let’s just break it down…

  • We’re still in a pandemic in which the realization that COVID-19 will never go away is pretty much a reality
  • The war in Ukraine is still raging
  • The situation regarding climate change is getting worse, meaning that it promises to be a longer and hotter summer with numerous wildfires and massive heat waves resulting in deaths.
  • The divide between races, cultures, and political ideologies is worse than ever in this country, with the likelihood that it won’t get better growing
  • The mass shootings and murders are likewise getting more numerous and worse than ever, the worst part being that certain factions of conservatives are of the opinion that in a free society with the right to bear arms (The Second Amendment in this case), mass shootings and killings are inevitable


  • The fact that I’m going to be 55 years of age in twelve days as of this writing, with my 60th birthday being just five years away, is freaking me out a tiny bit.

I’m certainly feeling my age after my pick-up softball games on Saturdays, me being barely able to bend my right knee among my other aches and pains.

But that’s just a part of getting older, right?

I know that I shouldn’t be too stressed about all the bad things going on right now, particularly since I’ve got so many blessings and reasons to be thankful;

  • I’ve got food to eat
  • I’ve got a roof over my head – and being in Los Angeles, which is the homeless capitol if the U.S., that’s really a blessing
  • I live in a relatively nice neighborhood
  • I have electricity, running water, and gas
  • I can walk, talk, and move my external parts
  • Though I still need to lose some weight, I’m in relatively good health (Thank God for that!)

and most importantly…

  • I’m still breathing

As for this blog, I have some specific thoughts regarding that,

Unlike my sports blog, SoCal Sports Chronicles (http://www.socalsportschronicles.wordpress.com),

This blog hasn’t had hardly any reads, as it’s gone two and three days with no one checking it out.

It’s not my intention to whine about that, but,

To be honest, I’m still wondering if I’m wasting my time doing this as in,

“What’s the point of having a blog of no one’s reading it?”

Not that I’m announcing the end of this blog as my goal is to get to ten years, which will happen two years from this July.

At least not yet; we’ll see how things go.

And I DO have things to write about this month, namely…

  • The fact that my birthday and Juneteenth will be on back-to-back days a week from this Saturday; a post regarding that occasion will appear on this blog next week
  • The fact that I post photos of natural scenery on my personal Twitter page (http://www.twitter.com/Dhart1467) to relax me as it makes me wish I was at those places
  • The fact that I have found myself looking at pictures of tiny houses and cabins that cost roughly between $20,000 to $50,000 online and imagining living in one of those dwellings


  • My opinion/thoughts about this country being more accurately called the Divided States of America rather than the United States of America

So it’s not like I have nothing more to write or offer my humble opinions about.

I DO have to get going on my second book, however;

I’m still not 100,000% sure what it will be about or whether it will be fiction or non-fiction.

Hopefully and prayerfully I’ll be started on the first draft and making progress on such this summer.

That’s about that for now.

Be sure to look for my annual birthday/Juneteenth post on this blog next week!

A van chilling at the beach: A decent image of summer…

An Online Conversation I Had Regarding Racial Tensions and Issues

These words painted on this street sums up my sentiments exactly…


Recently on a group on Facebook that I’m a part of,

I read a post by a guy who lamented how when he watched Christian movies as of late,

He has been skipping those Christian movies with a predominantly Black cast because, while he insists he’s not a racist and does not support white supremacy, he’s tired of all the racial tension that has been abundant in this country and of being called a racist because of the fact that he’s White with conservative views.

He asked if he was the only one who felt like he did.

Being an African American male, I felt compelled to write in the comments section.

Here’s an excerpt of what I wrote…

“You’re seeing and hearing (racial tension) because it’s still a big issue. Despite having had a Black president and vice-president, too many people of color – not just Blacks, but Latinos and Asians as well – are catching the opposite of Heaven all over the world in many ways…

“They are NOT getting the two things that we all want on this earth – complete equality and complete fairness.”

“…one does NOT have to be a white supremacist, wearing sheets/burning crosses, to have racist feelings and attitudes. Tons of people see blacks in a negative light and dislike them but would never burn a cross, call anyone the “n” word, or lynch anybody…”

“Please don’t take this the wrong way, but tons of folks see white conservatives as people who, at best, need to prove that they’re not racist because of white conservatives have done and their attitude now (calling blacks the “n” word, disapproving of interracial relationships, police profiling and killing like what happened in Buffalo).”

I made it clear to him that I didn’t think he was a racist, because I didn’t know him and wanted to follow what Matthew 7:1 said – “Judge not, lest ye be judged.” And I made it clear that I wasn’t trying to attack, offend, or impose anything negative towards him, but was only trying to find out his true thoughts and attitudes because as Malcolm X said in his Autobiography,

“Raw, naked truth exchanged between (blacks and whites/liberals and conservatives) is what a lot more is needed of in this country – to to clear the air of the racial mirages, cliches, and lies that this country’s very atmosphere has been filled with for four hundred years.”

Which was manifested by me asking him why he didn’t partake in movies with black casts, what he has done to show that he wasn’t racist, and did he see blacks and other people of color as needing to be “in their place”.

Long story short, since my posts and answers were long as were his and another lady’s who entered the discussion…

This guy and the lady’s reactions and statements pretty much towed the party line for white conservatives, particularly in being very sensitive to being seen by many blacks, liberals and other people of color as racist bigots; the lady wrote at length about her co-worker, a Black man and a liberal who they share a good friendship with and despite their differences.

I know folks may be thinking “tokenism” right now, but she stated that she had many friends of color.

My last word to the young man was this…

“It should be no secret that there are some subjects/issues that…liberals and conservatives in general will have to respectfully agree to disagree and put it behind (them).”

I KNOW that I will not convince any conservative to change his/her views, in race issues or anything else.

And I REALLY know that no conservative of any race, ethnicity or gender will change mine.

To be honest, though the exchanges between me and the two conservatives on Facebook ended up going okay with no real hard feelings as I felt we were honest with each other, which I was glad about,

The way the racial, political, and ideological tensions are going today, I really can’t be sure if things will get better due to the lack of willingness of folks on both sides to compromise or flat out change their views, me included.

In fact, I wouldn’t be at the least surprised if things got worse a la more riots like in L.A. thirty years ago and in cities throughout this country for George Floyd a couple of years ago.

I pray it doesn’t happen, but the way things are now, it just might be an inevitability.

I certainly hope and pray that it’s not.

In my next post on this blog (I’m not 100 percent sure when that will be, but it will be soon),

I’ll go at length at how this country has never really been the United States of America but rather the Divided States of America, and how it has been such for as long as there has been an America – 246 years to be precise.

Stay tuned.


I know I don’t have to tell you about the nineteen young kids and two adults – one a longtime teacher – who were murdered by a mass shooter at an elementary school 80 miles outside of San Antonio, Texas.

It goes without saying how horrible that is, as for the many, many other shootings and killings like what happened in Buffalo recently;

I know I don’t have to tell you about that either.

It goes without saying that prayers and condolences need to be offered;

I’ve offered mine.



One of the many protest marches concerning George Floyd’s murder in 2020…


A shot of the World Trade Center Twin Towers being attacked with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground. Photo courtesy of internationalbusinesstimes.com

WHAT I WAS DOING ON THAT TRAGICALLY FATEFUL DAY (and other thoughts and memories regarding those attacks on the World Trade Center)


Twenty years sure goes by fast.

Much like John F. Kennedy’s assassination and Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, and Michael Collins landing on the moon, as everybody remembers where they were when significant events like that happened,

Those nineteen members of Osama Bin Laden’s Al Qaeda flying those planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., and being thwarted from crashing into Capitol Hill in D.C. by those passengers on Flight 93 in rural Pennsylvania is definitely no exception to that notion.

Everyone alive back then remembers where they were on that Tuesday morning of September 11th;

Or, at the least, I’m absolutely sure that everyone knows where they were and what they were doing on that day.

Here’s where I was and what I was doing…

The 9-11 Twin Towers Memorial in New York City. Photo courtesy of woondu.com

I was living in Culver City, CA and in my third year working as a Physical Education teacher at Farragut Elementary School, which was/is located down the street and around the corner from my house; it was quite convenient to get there as it was a ten to fifteen minute walking distance between my home and the school.

I wish I can talk about something spectacular that happened that day,

But it was truthfully an uneventful school day as it was the second week of school and to be honest, I don’t remember everything as far as what I exactly did;

I was most likely getting the first graders acclimated to the routines of P.E. class – warm-up exercises, running a lap – before partaking in whatever activity we were partaking in.

I was also most likely setting up temporary squads with my other classes and doing various activities that I unfortunately have no recollection of what they exactly were.

The only references to what happened in New York, D.C., and Pennsylvania at Farragut was when someone in the teacher’s lounge mentioned that morning that the Twin Towers and the Pentagon were attacked,

And when a fellow P.E. teacher brought little American flags to me and my other P.E. colleague; I still have those flags to this day.

To make a long story short, I went about my day in teaching my classes and went home, just like any other day.

When I got home, I asked my brother to turn on the TV in the living room, which is where I got the details of that historical tragedy from the towers blowing up to people jumping off of such, and everything in between.

One thing I do remember was thinking how I wasn’t shocked beyond belief like practically everyone else, as it wasn’t as if those fundamentalist extremist Muslims had never attacked U.S. buildings before; a truck full of explosives crashed into that same World Trade Center eight years earlier.

And I knew that Bin Laden and the rest of those Muslim terrorists hated America, American democracy, and democracy in general, seeing us as “The Great Satan” for our supporting Israel, imposing sanctions on Iraq, having troops in Saudi Arabia, and what they saw as general immorality in the U.S.

The other thing that I remember about September 11th is something that happened eleven days later that I was a part of.

I was at UCLA’s football game vs. Ohio State at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena, and being that all the sporting events were postponed the week before, it was obviously a big deal as I knew that much like at every other major sporting event in the country, my alma mater’s Bruins and the Buckeyes were going to do something during the pregame festivities in remembrance of the 2,996 people who died eleven days before.

Sure enough, there was a big moment of silence; the cheerleaders from both UCLA and Ohio State joined hands together in solidarity, there were a lot of American flags in the large crowd, and in the middle of the moment of silence someone – I think it was an Ohio State fan – screamed loud enough for every one of the 73,723 fans who were there to hear…


I must admit, I got a tiny bit choked up over that.

By the way, I learned from some Ohio State fans sitting near me what a Buckeye was – a nut native to the state of Ohio.

And UCLA ended up winning the game 13-6.

That’s pretty much what I remember from that fateful day and what – along with this COVID-19 pandemic – is arguably the biggest event that has happened in the 21st century (at least to date).

I know there will be a lot of commemorations regarding what happened that morning in 2001;

I’ve been watching Spike Lee’s documentary on such, called “NYC EPICENTERS 9/11 – 2021 1/2” on HBO;

It’s really good; I recommend it.

Even though it pales on a pronounced scale to what will be seen and heard over the next three days and especially this coming Saturday, which will be the actual twenty years to the day mark,

Consider this my commemoration to 9-11.


The Freedom Tower in New York City, which replaced the Twin Towers. Photo courtesy of blogspot.com

A NEW ERA BEGINS IN AMERICA: Biden, Harris, and the Democrats Officially Begin A New Regime

America, say hello to our new President (left) and Vice-President (right). Photo courtesy of eonline.com



As I posted on my Facebook page,

I have waited four years for this moment!

I’m currently watching coverage of this good day and these good events on CNN.

It feels good that I can now type the name of this country’s chief executive on this blog,

As opposed to spending the previous fifty some-odd months referring to the now-former President as,

  • He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named
  • You-Know-Who
  • The Dark Lord

Who incidentally played the role of a sore losing little boy throwing a temper tantrum as unlike every other outgoing president, not only did he not attend the inauguration,

He didn’t invite our now-Commander In Chief and now first lady Dr. Jill Biden to the White House for coffee, congratulations, and good luck wishes in the morning, choosing to high tail it out of town.

But enough of You-Know-Who, as it is my fervent hope that I will never have to use that term, or the other terms that I used to describe that man, on this blog again.

My thanks to J.K. Rowling, by the way, for the use of those terms.

The new home and office of Joseph R. Biden. Photo courtesy of abc7.com


Joe Biden’s swearing in and becoming America’s 46th President, courtesy of YouTube (click on the link)


Kamala Harris’ swearing in and becoming America’s 49th Vice President, courtesy of YouTube (click on the link)

That’s a pretty nice-looking t-shirt! Photo courtesy of geminipremium.com

I remember a little over four years ago literally crying over what had happened in the election and what everyone who was not,

  • White
  • Conservative
  • Christian
  • Straight
  • Male, and
  • Wealthy,

was going to have to face and endure.

I also recall, a little later, thinking that if we can survive eight years of Ronald Reagan and twelve total years of George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.

Then I reckon we could survive four years of the man who is, as of this moment, no longer the president and is on his way to his place in Florida, I believe.

Which is exactly what happened, as I feel like I have survived that reign of terror; at least for those who were people of color, female, liberal, LGBTQ, belonging to a religion that didn’t acknowledge Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior, not belonging to the one percent, or a combination of those six attributes.

Which I have to say is a good feeling.

Of course I can’t post something like this without giving a significant salute to our new second in command, which is historical in an excellent way as she is the first woman of color and the first woman in general to hold a position as high as the Vice President.

Not only am I ecstatic for Kamala Harris and am quite happy that she is now our new VP,

Like I had previously stated on this blog, though I can’t speak for anyone else,

I think she would make a great president!

But we’ll cross that bridge if and/or when we get to it, as I’m now watching her swearing in some new senators in the capitol’s chamber.

Please don’t misunderstand me;

I’m not under any illusions over how this country will be an instant paradise due to what happened in D.C. today

There are many, many problems and issues that Biden, Harris, and their administration need to tackle, things that I don’t think I need to spell out as if anyone who doesn’t know them has been living under a rock on the planet Neptune for the past few years.

For now, however,

I’m going to enjoy today and the beginnings of a regime that I pray can make this country better for everyone who considers themselves Americans, not just those who fit the descriptions I stated above.

I’ll wrap this up by praying that our new president, vice president, and their administration are not only successful in working to Make America Loved And Respected Again, or MALARA,

But that God keeps them and their families safe.


A symbol of American that this entire planet knows, which is now controlled by Democrats…

YOU-KNOW-WHO’S INSURRECTION: My Thoughts About The Attack on the Capitol

WASHINGTON, DC – JANUARY 09: The American flag flies at half-staff as inauguration construction continues on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 9, 2021 in Washington, DC. A pro-Trump mob stormed and desecrated the U.S. Capitol on January 6 as Congress held a joint session to ratify President-elect Joe Biden’s 306-232 Electoral College win over President Donald Trump. (Photo by Al Drago/Getty Images) Photo courtesy of hppr.org



Like quite a few other events that I offered musings about on this blog,

I’ll do my best to not take too long describing my reckonings regarding the uprising – or more accurately, an attempted coup – that the minions, I mean supporters, of our soon-to-be-former-President (in exactly nine days from this writing), held in our nation’s capitol last week.

Like all the other incidents stemming from what can safely be described as the most polarizing person in this country if not the 21st century, I was not surprised at what went down on Capitol Hill; all those Death Eaters, I mean followers, of our upcoming former President-He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named trying to take over the chambers of the Senate and the House of Representatives as those members of Congress were formalizing the election of Joe Biden and the defeat of You-Know-Who.

My heart goes out to the families of those five people who were killed during that attempted coup, by the way.

That all the evilness that was enabled by that Dark Lord has resulted in the House of Representatives, led by Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, formally introducing a resolution to impeach (so-called) President He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named for a second time is good;

On the surface it may seen unnecessary due to You-Know-Who having only about a week left in the White House before he’s politely asked or forced to leave those premises,

But when I heard folks saying that by impeaching him, he won’t be able to run for any kind of office again regardless of the outcome of such impeachment, I was on board.

Either way, he’ll be out of the Oval Office and a private citizen again by the end of next week at the latest.

Who will beyond of a shadow of a doubt go down as the worst president in American history.

So it’s a win-win.

A supporter of You-Know-Who and an anti-You-Know-Who protester confront each other in downtown Los Angeles. Photo courtesy of sfexaminer.com


This particular event by all those who have no interest in democracy in this country but have shown that they are willing to use pretty much any means necessary to keep America,

  • White
  • Christian
  • Conservative
  • Heterosexual
  • Run by males
  • Run by wealth and corporate business that does not care for the working class
  • Looking like it did in the 1950s and before culturally and in every other way, with anyone not white, conservative, Christian, straight, wealthy and male being strictly seen as inherently inferior and kept “in their place”

Reminded me of another incident much like this one, that came to pass ninety-eight years ago…

In 1923 in Munich, Germany, a young veteran of World War I who became a leader of some rabble rousers who hated what they perceived Germany had become staged an attempted coup of the German government, 5,000 followers of this former corporal marching to the city center where they were confronted by police and a shootout commenced, with 20 people being killed.

The leader of that failed coup was arrested and sentenced to five years in Landsberg Prison, and was released a year later after writing his autobiography, which detailed how he saw Jewish people as sub-human and outlined his plans to eventually take over not only Germany, but the rest of the world.

The book that he wrote?

Mein Kampf.

The leader’s name?

Adolf Hitler.

The attempted coup that he led?

The Beer Hall Putsch.

Those “rabble rousers” that he was the leader of?

The National Socialists, better known in history and of all time as the Nazis.

Eight years after Hitler’s release from prison, he made good his threat as he was elected chancellor of Germany and, well…

We all know what happened in the twelve years following that event; I don’t need to give any intimate details about that common knowledge.

Now in fairness, while the orange-haired Dark Lord and his minions have not murdered 12 million people – six million of them Jewish – or have started a worldwide war that cost over fifty million lives,

It was clear to me that much like the Fuhrer, You-Know-Who tried any means to deny democracy after losing fair and square to Biden.

And his followers definitely reminded me of the millions of Nazis and other Germans raising their right arms in salute and screaming “Sieg Heil!” to their leader at those huge rallies that were given at that time, who seems to me is seen as the ultimate savior to them.

While I don’t expect He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named to burrow himself in any bunkers or commit suicide along with his wife,

I do expect Biden and his new administration, including Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, and the new Democrat-led Congress to make sure that nothing like this ever happens again.

Which I know is stating the obvious.

A SILVER LINING TO THIS RECENT MADNESS: A week from this Wednesday, the man that did SO much damage to this country will be leaving this residence, to the pleasure of the majority of this country’s citizens. Photo courtesy of piquenewsmagazine.com

THE DOWNFALL OF YOU-KNOW-WHO: Thoughts of Joe Biden’s Election As President

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN: Our new Vice-President-elect (left) and our new President-elect (right); appropriately masked up, of course! Photo courtesy of abcnews.go.com


Surprisingly enough, even though I was as extremely happy as any other person who dearly wanted to see He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named voted out of the Oval Office and be told the same two words that he told many others on his reality show, “The Apprentice”,


I wasn’t one of those dancing in the streets holding signs and celebrating the soon to be former President’s downfall.

Granted, there is a pandemic and I didn’t want to risk getting COVID-19 while cheering in a crowd,

But I don’t think I would have been in the streets even if there was no coronavirus; it’s just not me.

Another factor in my reacting as calmly as I did was the fact that as the vote count progressed, I had a feeling that Biden would win due to the bulk of the votes being counted being located in the big cities like Philadelphia, Atlanta, Phoenix and Las Vegas.

Why else did Pennsylvania, along with Michigan and Wisconsin, flip back to blue after going rogue, I mean red, four years ago?

And why else did Arizona and Georgia flip from red to blue for the first time in forever?

In other words, I had a pretty good feeling about it all.

Of course the fact that I’m absolutely ecstatic about Harris being the first woman/African-American/Asian-American Vice President goes without saying.

Other Thoughts:

Much like Barack Obama when he was elected in 2008 and took office in 2009,

Biden not only has much mess to clean up after these four years of what was the opposite of Heaven to any American who was not,

  • White
  • A far right wing conservative
  • Heterosexual
  • Christian
  • Wealthy
  • Male
  • From a “Red” state

He has even more of a mess to clean up than Obama did after George W. Bush’s two terms, as Bush was practically a virtual saint compared to You-Know-Who.

I’m also not surprised over the Dark Lord challenging the results and filing lawsuits and demanding recounts, him and his followers screaming how the Democrats stole the election instead of being the bigger person and conceding, like every other presidential candidate who came up short.

I am a little disheartened, however, over how over 71 million people cast their votes for that man, ten million more than in 2016.

Including a sizable number of Latinos, despite He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named calling people like them murderers and rapists and locking so many Latino children in cages at the Mexican border, treating them like animals.

That alone should have had them running away from You-Know-Who screaming as regardless of the lack of legality of their immigration,

No human being should ever be treated the way those immigrants were treated.

Photo courtesy of norwaytoday.com

University of Michigan students celebrating the orange haired Dark Lord’s downfall. Photo courtesy of michigandaily.com


I knew that the orange haired Dark Lord wouldn’t go down without a fight.

And I also know that from what I’ve heard and read, his efforts to change his Presidential fate will most likely not be successful as there hasn’t been any evidence of cheating or any kind of foul play at the polls.

I think God was blessing this country with the Biden/Harris ticket winning, because in mine and millions of others’ views another four years of You-Know-Who may well have been the end of these United States as we know it.

I’m not naive as to think that everything will automatically be an instant paradise on January 20th.

The bigots such as those who marched in Charlottesville, VA will still be out there, as will those who would like the Dark Lord to attempt a coup, institute one-party rule, and become King of America for life, ending real democracy.

This COVID-19 pandemic, which has killed over a quarter of a million Americans and counting, won’t be going away for a while as a vaccine is several months away, meaning that we all will still need to wear masks, wash our hands for twenty seconds, and stay six feet away from each other after Biden and Harris take their Oaths of Offices.

No, everything will not be all hunky dory after Inauguration Day.

But things will be better than what it was before.

At least, it will begin to get better for all Americans, not just the forty percent who love He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

I fully trust Biden and Harris to work toward that America in which everyone benefits and thrives, rather than just those who fit a certain culture and political ideology.

Oh, and one more thing…

I think Kamala Harris will make a great President one day.

The place where Joe Biden will reside starting this coming January 20th. Photo courtesy of wkrn.com


As I write this, Election Day is about nine hours away.

Meaning that starting about nine hours from now, the vast majority of the 350 million people who call themselves Americans will choose who will lead this country, and the free world, for the next four years.

I won’t go into any minute details about what is at stake in this Presidential election, as that has already been far too well documented.

But I will state this…

By roughly 12:01 a.m. on November 4th – more likely a few weeks afterward due to the remaining ballots that will still have to be counted,

These United States of America – or more accurately, these Divided States of America – will be led either by a man who will bring sanity back to the White House, Washington D.C., this country, and the world for that matter,

And whose policies will show that he cares for ALL Americans, no matter what skin pigmentation or sexual orientation they are or how much money they have,

As well as “Make America Respected And Loved Again”.

Or they will, for the next 48 months (or 1,462 days if you prefer), be led by someone who I have been calling,

  • “He Who Must Not Be Named”
  • “The Orange-Haired Dark Lord”
  • “You Know Who”

Ever since he was shockingly elected in 2016 and took the oath of office in 2017 as I induced a policy to never mention his name on this blog (Incidentally, I hope J.K. Rowling hasn’t minded me using these Harry Potter phrases of hers),

Who if re-elected (GOD FORBID!) will undoubtedly double down on, through his policies and actions, caring only about people who are and doing things only for people who are,

  • White, preferably of Anglo-Saxon descent
  • Right-Wing Conservative
  • Christian, preferably Protestant
  • Heterosexual
  • Wealthy
  • Male
  • Not sick with the COVID-19 virus
  • Sees anyone who is not any of these attributes as inferior and needing to be “in their place”, especially immigrants from anywhere south of the Mexican border

Indeed, extremists like the far right bigots who protested in Charlottesville, VA have been emboldened by You Know Who’s statements and actions, and have acted accordingly in very ugly ways.

And as everyone knows, this country (and the world in general) has been imprisoned by this pandemic due to the orange haired Dark Lord’s nonchalance attitude of nipping this coronavirus in the bud.

I could go on about all the evils of He Who Must Not Be Named, but I won’t as that has already been done all over this internet as in my book,

The only good thing he has achieved while in the Oval Office was to make Richard Nixon, a President who had to resign in disgrace – the only President to do so – thanks to his Watergate scandal and who has gone down in history as a crook in many people’s eyes, look good in comparison.

As well as two other Republican presidents, George H.W. Bush and his son, George W. Bush.

Tomorrow we will decide who gets to live in this place for the next four years. Photo by Aaron Kittredge on Pexels.com

As I have previously stated on this blog, I and my family have already cast our ballots, having dropped them in one of those official ballot boxes at the local library a few weeks ago, so I and my family’s part to get rid of the Dark Lord has already been done.

I’ll make this quite plain and simple…

If He Who Must Not Be Named wins another term in the White House, not only will this country as we know it will be over,

Those who do not fit the attributes I have described on this post will be in even more danger than ever.

And with the Dark Lord denying the seriousness of this pandemic and mentioning how he may fire Dr. Anthony Fauci, the czar and expert on this COVID-19 crisis, if he wins reelection (I saw it in an article on Yahoo.com), the number of folks getting sick and dying will increase.

There will be violent chaos in the streets in the form of clashes between You Know Who followers and those who are against him, and while I don’t think there will be an all out (second) Civil War,

I won’t be surprised if there are people on both sides killed during the clashes that will likely commence.

Which I think will also be the case of Joe Biden is elected, as the Dark Lord’s supporters will not concede their leader’s downfall without a fight.

In other words, I wouldn’t put it past some extremist to do something extremely drastic to show their displeasure of a Biden administration.


If this country is to get back any respect around the world,

If this country is to eradicate the coronavirus once and for all,

If this country is to return to a place where those who are not the descriptions previously mentioned in this article are made to feel welcome without…

  • Being called murderers and rapists
  • Being profiled, harassed, and murdered by the police because of the color of one’s skin or the ethnicity of a person
  • Being locked up in cages while trying to desperately seek help and escaping a homeland where they were often marked for death
  • Being discriminated against and denied service in businesses and establishments because your significant other happens to be the same gender as them
  • Being virtually seen as a personification of evil due to worshiping God in a different way than those who see Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior
  • Being objectified and socially pressured to live like a TV mother in the 1950s due to having an XX chromosome
  • Being seen as a lesser than because the language you speak is not English


Joe Biden must be elected as the 46th President of the United States.

I’m not naive – I know that the problems that are facing this country will not disappear overnight if Biden wins.

But he, (hopefully after tomorrow) Vice President Kamala Harris, and the rest of his administration will get America back on the road to what it should be should he end the orange haired Dark Lord’s reign.

I remember literally crying when He Who Must Not Be Named was elected four years ago.

While I don’t expect to cry again if that history repeats itself,

I definitely want to be celebrating in happiness when the polls close tomorrow night.

The soul of this country depends on the next thirty-something hours.

Photo by cottonbro on Pexels.com


A U.S. map of what could happen in the 2020 general election; blue for Democrats, Red for Republicans, and gray for a toss-up. Image courtesy of 270towin.com



Exactly a year from this past Sunday (as of this writing), this country will choose whether to re-elect our dear President-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named – my personal self-ban at ever invoking his name on this blog remains firmly in effect,

Or to evict You-Know-Who from the White House and elect our 46th Commander In Chief.

Three months from now, the first Democratic Primary elections will be held in Iowa.

Four months from now, on March 3rd, will be “Super Tuesday”, in which the Democratic voters from fourteen states – including my home state of California – and American Samoa will choose who they want to go against the orange-haired Dark Lord for the right to be the leader of the free world.

Of course I will be voting in the Super Tuesday primary as I live in the Los Angeles area, as I want nothing more to free this nation from the clutches of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named.

As for who I will be voting for among the seventeen Democrats looking to occupy the Oval Office on January 20, 2021,

Before I state who my choice is, let me emphasize something…

Who my preference is for our next President can easily change over the next twelve months; the name I will state in bold may not necessarily be the person who I will cast my ballot for on November 3rd, 2020.

Having said that, here’s who I would be voting for President if today were Election Day:


Photo courtesy of UPI.com




It’s a pretty close call between the former Vice-President and Senator Elizabeth Warren at the moment; let me explain why I would color in the little square next to BIden’s name…

1. While I like Warren very much and feel that she would make a great running mate with Biden, I just don’t feel at this particular time that she would be able to beat You-Know-Who in the four states that are crucial to this upcoming election,  to the point where the person who wins these states will win the White House;

  • Michigan
  • Ohio
  • Pennsylvania
  • Wisconsin

2. Although I very much like Senator Bernie Sanders as well – I voted for him over Hilary Clinton in the 2016 California Primary – particularly liking his plans to make the, in his words, “Millionaires and Billionaires” pay their fair share to fund his advocated programs such as “Medicare For All” and free college tuition for everyone, in my opinion he is seen as too far to the left in the eyes of too many people living between the West and upper East coasts for me to feel that he can beat You-Know-Who in a general election.

After all, people in red states not only do not want to be told what to do with their money,

They see taxation as something created by the devil himself.

And they see Sanders as the “S” word, S for Socialist, another thing that they see as created by Satan.


As for Biden…

The bottom line for me, at least as of right now, is this:

The reason why the orange-haired Dark Lord is sitting in the Oval Office right now is because of the fact that he barely beat Clinton for Michigan’s, Pennsylvania’s, and Wisconsin’s electoral votes.

The former First Lady and U.S. Senator completely blew that election by not setting foot in Michigan and Wisconsin even once to campaign or to hold any rallies, basically handing those states to He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named as those voters saw her as an elitist who couldn’t be bothered with working class peasants and took them for granted.

Whatever faults that Biden has,

Whatever mistakes or faux-pas that he has committed thus far,

Being that he comes from a working class background as Pennsylvania is his home state, at this point in time I firmly believe this…


Joe Biden has the best chance to defeat You-Know-Who a year from now, because he has the best chance to win back those Rust Belt states of Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.


He will not make the same mistake that Clinton made in ignoring the Rust Belt.

As I have stated before,


You win those four states, along with keeping the states that were blue in 2016 the same color (which shouldn’t be too much of a problem), you win the election.


It’s as simple as that.

Of course as I have also said,

This choice of mine could easily change within the next twelve months.

Heck, it could easily change within the next twelve days, depending on what happens with Biden, Warren, and all the rest of the candidates vying for the Dark Lord’s seat.

But for now, if I were asked to choose, my Democratic Presidential ticket would be:


  • Joe Biden for President
  • Elizabeth Warren for Vice President


Let’s see what unfolds going forward.

We have twelve months.


Twelve of the 17 candidates for the Democratic nomination after one of the debates earlier this year, including Biden (5th from left), Sanders (4th from left), and Warren (5th from right, in red). Photo courtesy of minnesota.cbslocal.com